Announcing our integration with GoCardless for convenient payments at the touch of a button. 


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As part of our commitment to enhance our clients’ operations and elevate their customers’ payment experiences, we are thrilled to announce the integration of GoCardless, a premier direct debit partner, into our Financial CRM. This integration is a significant addition to our enterprise software suite for collections and lending companies. Here’s a dive into the key benefits of the integration: 

Financial Cloud integration with GoCardless for convenient payments at the touch of a button.

Quick and seamless payments – direct debit payments can be easily set up and controlled, removing the worry of missed payments and enhancing the customer experience. 

Improved cash flow and collections control – GoCardless provides flexible options for adjusting payment amounts and due dates. This flexibility contributes to efficient cash flow and collections management, improving predictability and control over finances. 

Streamlined and secure data transfers through workflows –through our advanced workflows engine data can be securely transferred between systems in real time, providing an accurate overview of the customers financials to enhance their decision-making ability.  

Superior security – GoCardless has a strong reputation for its secure online transactions. Our collaboration ensures your payments are handled securely, adhering to the highest industry standards. 

Reduce the administrative burden – increase efficiency and free up resources with the automation of the reconciliation process of payments and invoices. 

Optimised Customer Experience – efficient and automated payment processing allows your customers to focus on their financial objectives while enjoying a hassle-free collections process.   


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